Our approach to working with the coronavirus pandemic is that we will do what we can to keep our cork production open and we do not envisage having any shutdowns unless it is mandated by the Portuguese Government. All the stages of cork production, be it for cork stoppers, cork lids, expanded cork or whatever involve workers at individual work stations which are reasonably well-spaced, so it is possible to maintain a reasonable distance between them and all workers are using gloves whilst on the premises and have to maintain social distance at break times. Meanwhile many of our office staff are working from home where possible. We are also not accepting onsite visits from clients or from contractors unless unavoidable and we have protocols in place to avoid any direct contact with transport drivers from outside the business.
It is inevitable that there will be some delays with deliveries, often for reasons completely out of our control, although to date we have been able to stay either within or very close to delivery deadlines. We are looking to be as cooperative and understanding as possible with our suppliers and we ask the same of our cork customers. If you require a quotation for a cork product but are not sure when you your company will be in a position to place an order, please do not hesitate to get in touch so that we have things ready to move forward once things pick-up.